Monday, 31 May 2010

I have just finished watching 'Tess of the D'ubervilles' and its one sad thing, I would go on and on about the story here, but Its a pretty famous one, though depressing.

I was fascinated by the actress who played the herione, Gemma Arterton, she was so flawlessly beautiful and so talented.
It was something about her voice, I'm used to her in her role in Prince of Persia and Clash of the Titans she had a softer voice, but here its so sad and sobby-(Annoying at times as well.) :P

Looks like Britain's fueling more talent into Hollywood.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Rainy days.

I always loved the rain, the sound, the feel, the color of the sky when it pours, the freshness of the earth and how it colors the trees. Being the desert dwellers that we are, Rain is a blessing.

On days like that, there's nothing I'd love more than a cup of tea, a comfortable couch by an open window and a romance novel -

Specifically "Something Wonderful" by Judith Mcnaught,
"Every season of the year comes a promise that something wonderful is going to happen to me someday. I've had that feeling ever since grandfather died. It's as if he's telling me to wait for it. In winter , the promise comes with the smell of snow in the air. In summer, I hear it in the boom of thunder and the lightning that streaks across the sky in blue flashes. Most of all, I feel it now, in springtime when everything is green and black- you know, like tree trunks when they're wet, and freshly tilled fields that smell like--" she inhaled trying to recall the exact scent.

I just love that scene.
51pUF91emJL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpgHas anyone read that book?