Thursday, 24 June 2010

Women -_-

I don't understand how some women constantly remind people that "Hey! 3yaly...o bayty a'3ayr feeh, o ana msafra o bo__ jaybly sa3a " o whatever, Nobody cares. Why do you have to rub it in?! y3ny hatha a9ln 3aks eldeen, o there are usually people who aren't married or just starting out and marriage is already hard enough without that sort of mindless babble going, there's no need to show off your "Perfect Life" or whatever which I doubt it is a9ln perfect.
Y3ny 3ala elkel bel3afya, o I'm the sort of person that appreciates someone with the sort of class in communicating with things other than the materialistic and the personals.
If god made you a Have, than you should thank him and get on with it, dress up enjoy the wealth and everything but don't rub it into msakeen el have nots.
Seriously people! Don't you hate it when your sitting down for dinner in a gathering and some women constantly turn it into a brag fest? Why?! I don't get it...sure I've got my share of loubies and designer dresses bs I've never actually talked about it :/
Y3ny laysh? I buy them for me...not to show it off to people.
O sure some of the people mentioned have way more than me going bs shouldn't they be the classier ones? shouldn't the have lesses be the braggers coz they're not as used to it as they are?


  1. Well said. Extremely frustrating. Its when show off about anything and everything. Sometimes I feel like screaming yeah well who cares? I have this and this but you don't see me talking about it like a psyco! But the I would stoop down to their level.

  2. July! I know right? It's just I've been with a lot of people who seem to brag like 24/7 lately! I don't get it, its like they're obsessed with material things! Most of them seemed to have gotten they're wealth only recently so I'm thinking perhaps that is a reason, and us screaming at them to shut up would be often misinterpreted as "Oh! She's jealous!" which I refuse to give them the pleasure of thinking.
    Of course it is impossible for them to grasp the little fact that they are annoying as hell.
