Sunday 18 July 2010

Lady Lady

The other day I went to get my nails done at the mall, I thought I'd stop by the bookstore before going in my appointment, I picked up a book by one of my favorite authors and preceded to the counter it was then that I spotted the rack, on it were tens of children's dvds and some of the most notorious cartoons of my time, I instantly picked up a boxset of my then favorite cartoon (And still is) Lady Lady. <3

I was instantly reminded of my childhood memories watching it, it was such a delightful experience then, the series had such strong values and a good walkthrough for girls of all ages, It was such a shame that such works are not continued to being produced to this day, of course everyone do have they're preferences but this show was something I'd always wanted to share with my daughter and the thought of her not enjoying it as well as I did never crossed my mind...It made me think, why do our standards seem to shrink with every year come by? Why don't we look for the deeper meaning of things? Is it because people are growing more shallow by every minute? Was romance dead? Or have we just become more cynical of life?

I just wish that such bittersweet and strong feminine works would continue to be introduced.

Don't you just miss the old days?


  1. I am in looove with cartoons from the 80s! Floona, Al Ameera Yaqout, Thunder Cats, Oscar, Hikayat 3alamiya, Care bears, gummie bears.. etc.

    The old cartoons had some real substance and morals.

  2. I reckon we have become more cynical. But I do admit the best cartoons were made when we were growing up =)

  3. Confashion, I just adore the old days! The cartoons then were so much fun, they never dragged like the ones I've been seeing lately. They're all pretty lame.

    July, Yes, I do think we've become more cynical! And they were seriously the best! <3 I adored 80's cartoons. <3

  4. I miss them sooooo much :(

    Lady Lady .. Sara .. of course 3adnan o leena <3 3absi lol .. Jazoora .. Bomboo .. 9a7eb el '9el al 6aweeel .. awww now I miss them even more

    Theres no way my kids are growing up watching the new kids entertainments like high school musical and them .. I'm happy with the old ones .. The ones we grew up watching <3
